Likewise 6-8 Session Service

The Likewise 6-8 Session service is now part of the Reach Out Camden Alliance, a collective of charities working closely together to provide connected community support across Camden. To find out more about this partnership, jump to our page below.

About this service

Who is it for?

This support is accessible to anyone over 18, living in Camden or having a GP in Camden. It is available regardless of eligibility for adult social care services and/or previous contact with mental health services.

What does it involve?

The 6-8 session service involves you working one-to-one with a Likewise support worker or volunteer support worker, over a period of 6 to 8 sessions.

Sessions are usually 1 hour, and can take place at your home, at our community centre, or in a public space (such as a park, or a cafe). Our work is intentionally flexible, but we loosely provide what we call a combination of ‘practical and emotional support’. You may spend the time working on PIP forms, housing, going for a walk, visiting a cafe, speaking about what you are going through at the moment, or something else entirely. It is up to you and your key worker to decide the structure of the sessions, and how to best use the time in a person-centred way. As with all of our offers at Likewise, our approach to supporting you is rooted in our organisational commitment to building relationships, meeting people where they’re at, and aiding empowerment.

At the end of our time together, we’ll work to help you figure out next steps, and what sort of support you might benefit from if you need further help – within or outside of Likewise.

How do I access 6-8 support?

Reach Out Camden now links you to the Likewise 6-8 session service, community groups, peer mentoring and other offers from Likewise, Voiceability, and Mind in Camden – all through the same door.

If you’re an adult and living in Camden, or registered with a Camden GP, you can self-refer by clicking the button below, which will take you to the Reach Out Camden website and sign-up form. You can also ask someone you know to help fill this for you.