Camden Core Teams

Likewise has been commissioned by Camden & Islington NHS Trust to provide one-to-one support and community development work as part of the Camden Community Mental Health Core Teams offer.

The Core Teams.

Who’s involved?

Camden Core Teams are a partnership between Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust, MIND in Camden, Likewise and Hillside Clubhouse. The teams comprise NHS, social care and voluntary sector experts from a variety of backgrounds and training.

The team is split into three ‘Core Teams’ across the borough of Camden: North-West, Kentish Town and South.

How to refer

To access any of the Core Team offers, contact your GP to discuss a referral. They may ask you to book a consultation with them first in order to go through the form together, so they can best explain to us what you’d like support with. If they are unsure where to start and/or would like to find out more about the service, they may also contact the Core Teams inbox at

Alternatively, you may also request a referral from other professionals in your support network, such as people from other Camden-based mental health services, your local housing officer, care co-ordinators or Adult Social Care workers.

What’s it for?

Part of our vision at Likewise is to share the learnings and values behind our way of working across the wider network, with the hopes of influencing systems change. One way we try to do this is collaboration, and by stewarding community-based and person-centred approaches in our partnership work.

The Core Teams service and support focuses on relationship-building, shared responsibility and collaborative working with you as an individual, your networks and the systems around you. We aim to help you work towards your own personal development goals, find purpose in your day-to-day, discover meaningful activities, and engage with community-based groups and offers.

Core Teams services range between:

  • mental health assessment and advice
  • pharmacological treatment
  • brief psychological therapies
  • social care and inclusion
  • peer coaching
  • ‘Support & Connect’ – emotional, social and practical support
  • holistic health and wellbeing support.

Likewise in particular works alongside Mind in Camden to provide ‘Support & Connect’, one of the Core Teams offers which comprises 10-12 sessions of one-to-one support. Both organisations also make-up the team’s community development workers, whose roles are to outreach, raise awareness and develop community spaces while facilitating community-based approaches and support alongside other Core Teams professionals.

Who’s it for?

Core Teams support is for people aged 17.5 and over, and who are ‘Camden Connected’ – meaning you are registered under a Camden GP and/or have a Camden-based address.